Monday 16 May 2011

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  • azilnik
    Oct 26, 04:10 PM
    It seems more PDA-ish to me. I feel like this patent is just for the music interface to the PDA... I hope so because I need a PDA and iPod.

    Come on Apple... Don't make me wait.

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  • How to Do Cat Eye Makeup 1

  • edesignuk
    Jul 24, 03:26 PM
    The problem is, it's not "defective", LCD manufacturers are allowed a certain amount of imperfections due to the manufacturing process. It sucks big time I know, but I don't think there is much you can do about it :(

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  • and your eye makeup.

  • KingCrimson
    Apr 22, 01:09 PM
    2 questions/points to ponder:

    1. How much cash does AAPL have as of Apriil 22, 2011

    2. Doesn't the cash after say $30 billion basically become just investment vehicles? You can do all the pre-purchasing of supplies + R&D with WELL under $30 billion for a company like Apple. Essentially companies like MSFT/AAPL/Google with HUGE cash reserves become like banks.

    pictures eye makeup. Eye Makeup Application Tips.
  • Eye Makeup Application Tips.

  • job
    Jun 6, 12:05 AM
    Originally posted by vniow
    It was about the G5 and it was made by a moderator..

    Ah. Got it. ;) :p

    I just wasn't sure if that was the one.

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  • Updating your eye makeup

  • scan300
    Jul 24, 09:01 PM
    I've had a similar problem with different types of symptoms.

    Generally, if a CD inserted into the drive doesn't mount, then the eject button doesn't work. Login in and out or a restart either mounts the CD or I can use the eject button held down at start-up to open the drive. (Does the eject button work OK with disks that mount?)

    Some CDs won't mount because they have non-standard tinting on the disc or they are scratched in the wrong place. In some cases the OS reports that the CD is unreadable.

    My question to you is did the optical drive play up soon after you got the machine or has it been normal for a while then played-up?

    I don't think that the device IDs are a problem as they are on different ATA buses, but I'm no expert on ATA.

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  • glitz pageant eye makeup tips

  • likemyorbs
    Apr 10, 08:27 PM
    Thank you coleman!! just did a screen share and he helped me fix the error that was preventing it from working. stupid error too. it works great now, and i dont have to get a sling box!! :D:D:D

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  • benhollberg
    Mar 10, 07:59 AM
    Anyone planning on going to the Apple Store tonight? Anyone know if there is a line yet?

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  • dramatic eye makeup

  • Mechcozmo
    Sep 11, 11:03 AM
    Woke up. My radio was set to a talk show (was funny, now isn't) but it was just some lady saying "...and now we return to the channel 8 news broadcast." [Channel 8 and this radio station share a building] Which I thought was really odd, and I just heard a bunch of seemingly unrelated people saying the word "god" a lot.

    Got ready for school, went downstairs. Turned on the T.V. which is something that I never do and still do not do. That day was different. As the T.V. came on the first thing I saw was the second plane hit. Mom told me (and rest of family) to keep getting ready for school, but she was sad. At school we had an assembly. In class the teachers tried to teach but not much really could be done. My 4th period teacher got the live feed to work so the class just watched that. (There are projectors in the classrooms)

    I can remember nearly everything in extreme detail. Odd how that happens with major events. Also interesting to see where other Mac users were at the time...

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  • Hip Eye Makeup. sultry smoky

  • Chundles
    Oct 19, 03:23 PM

    Took a little more time on this one.

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  • mikee99
    Mar 13, 01:23 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Yeah. You had any luck? How much are you making per iPad? Maybe pm me if you don't

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  • how to make up your eyes

  • benhollberg
    Mar 2, 06:51 PM
    I heard they may will do reservation system like they did with iphone. not sure if its true or not.

    am very curious if we have to do overnight, or just come in the morning and wait.

    I'm sure they'll to reservations, just like the original iPad.

    For some reason Apple Retail Stores will not sell an iPad 2 until 5:00 PM on March 11. So people may not stay the night, however that was always half the fun.

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  • smokey eyes makeup look

  • longofest
    Aug 7, 06:07 PM
    Wasn't there a rumor going around a couple months back about M$ making VPC free? That would make sense now if they're going to discontinue it, and let us PPC users have it for free. Who wants to pay for a product that won't receive any updates?

    No... that was a lot of people getting confused. MS was giving away VirtualPC which is a Windows product. They never were giving away any Mac products, nor were they intending to as far as we know.

    Are they working on a universal MS Office?

    Yes, but we don't exactly know when that will come out. Look for it AFTER Vista (if that can happen) ;)

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  • How Important is Eye Makeup?

  • dh2005
    May 5, 08:58 PM
    I love that you chose the wired numeric keyboard. So much better...! I'm using one right now.

    I hate that goddamn Magic Mouse, though. Gave mine away, for no money. Pissed me off something terrible.

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  • Macro eyes, so the eye make-up

  • e�Studios
    Apr 10, 04:05 AM
    Hey all, I currently live in Japan, and would like to get some experiences working at Apple. I haven't decided which floor I would like to work at, but it will most likely be the Genius Bar.
    Now, to get in to my main point, is it possible to work at the Apple Store under the age of 18? I have no idea about the labor laws, work permit, and things like that, but I just to make sure. I saw on other thread that in state of Nevada, a person should be above the age of 16 to get a job.

    BTW, I'm 17 currently.

    Directly from the Labor Standards Laws:

    (Minimum Age)
    Article 56. An employer shall not employ children
    until the first 31st of March following their having fully
    reached the age of 15 years.
    2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding
    paragraph, outside of school hours, children above 13 full
    years of age maybe employed in occupations in enterprises
    other than those listed in items 1 through 5 of Annexed
    Table No. 1, and which involve light labor that is not
    harmful to the health and welfare of the children, with the
    permission of the administrative office. The same shall
    apply to children under 13 full years of age employed in
    motion picture production and theatrical performance

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  • Gothic Eye Makeup Tips

  • iFiend
    May 4, 09:21 AM
    Well, it must have worked as i've installed a newer version and all is good and the old animation isn't running anymore, thanks iFiend :)

    Glad I could help :)

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  • How to Get Cat Eye Makeup 1

  • dukebound85
    Feb 6, 03:53 PM
    Companies evolve. Pretty much all there is to it

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  • Cool Eye Makeup

  • Warbrain
    Jan 10, 09:45 AM
    This was a product that has been pretty secret - even though there have been rumors about it - for so long and it was such a monumental announcement that the families had to be there.

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  • Cat Eye Makeup

  • 0815
    May 6, 12:41 PM
    iFixit indicates that the process for the 2011 is far less involved/obnoxious than previous models:

    That was the best news about the teardown of the new iMac. When they where introduced, I was disappointed that they didn't have the 500GB SSD option which was a show stopper for me ... but now I might get one and add the nice 500GB SSD to it. Was way to complicated with the old iMacs ... for the new ones it looks really easy.

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  • eye make up tricks

  • virus1
    Dec 13, 11:06 PM
    just to start things off:

    Mar 15, 12:18 AM
    I could never figure out what the problem was with the screen margins. Look how the last letter in "Marketplace" is cut off. This drove me insane when I first saw this image - I thought it was a beta screen. But this was how it shipped apparently. I've noticed the same thing happen in some of the WinPhone7 screen shots and product demos. Can anyone explain this to me? What were the designers thinking?

    The lettering off screen symbolizes that there is more to see for that choice.

    Feb 15, 11:48 AM
    This script is neat. I'll play with it. Thanks!

    Dec 31, 05:52 AM
    I appreciate arn's hard work, and think standard-compliance is great news.
    I have to admit, though, that in terms of look-and-feel, I prefered the old design, due to its less-is-more approach and clean, minimalist design. Like others have stated, I, too, feel the new design is too dense and information-laden. I would prefer it if the new left column weren't there, for a cleaner, less cluttered look.

    I also don't care too much about the dark brown color (this was there before, I know) and think grey might fit nicer with the blue hues on the site, but that's a personal preference.

    I also don't see why the new tabs have to be pseudo 3-d. Sure, Apple is using their trademark aqua look for tabs on their website, but aside from them, many are going back from the 90s 3-d look to cleaner, contemporary 2-d, such as in the iPod campaign (I also don't get too excited about the tan tab color, but again, that's just me).

    I hope I'm not sounding too negative here, as I overall very much appreciate the re-design efforts and important changes and think on balance it's a great job.

    Sep 9, 09:24 PM
    would have been better if it were a picture of you...coming out of one.

    Mar 7, 07:14 AM
    That video is a classic :)

    no. that video is bad sense of humour :P
    i just can't believe people have fun on somebody else's expense...

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