Tuesday 17 May 2011

eyeball tattooing

eyeball tattooing. unique Jeff Gogue Tattoos?
  • unique Jeff Gogue Tattoos?

  • satcomer
    Apr 19, 08:09 PM
    I also recommend OWC (http://www.macsales.com/). I have 4 extgernal for my three Macs and one is 5 years old and still going strong. Plus the company includes cables for every port that is on the external.

    eyeball tattooing. eyeball tattoo
  • eyeball tattoo

  • job
    Jan 30, 01:24 PM
    i went from an imac dv with 128mb ram to a 1.25ghz emac about 6 months ago...

    my upgrades have always had a really big wow factor, since they are so far apart.

    hah and yeah, nermal, i thought this was about world of warcraft when i saw the title too.

    eyeball tattooing. eyeball-tattoo-1
  • eyeball-tattoo-1

  • iscnho
    Mar 30, 12:24 AM
    Waiting is the hardest part...

    eyeball tattooing. (update on josh s blue)
  • (update on josh s blue)

  • Blakeasd
    Apr 30, 08:39 AM
    I subclassed NSPanel and did the following:


    eyeball tattooing. full color eyeball tattoo
  • full color eyeball tattoo

  • jnc
    Jan 23, 02:58 PM
    Good god, are you seriously suggesting that if you don't need a 2560 x 1600 resolution you don't need a computer? Hahaha... just quit while you're behind, man.

    eyeball tattooing. 9) Eyeball Tattoo
  • 9) Eyeball Tattoo

  • fcortese
    Oct 19, 11:33 PM
    Tom Bosley who played Richie Cunningham (Ron Howard) on Happy Days died today at the age of 83. Lat week it was Barbara Billingsley- The Beaver's mom on Leave It to Beaver. For those of us who grew up with these shows it is a sad day.

    eyeball tattooing. Eyeball Tattoo: Phil Young
  • Eyeball Tattoo: Phil Young

  • taylorwilsdon
    Jul 10, 10:36 PM
    I know someone at a smaller AT&T store (lynwood) and they're apparently getting 80 total. I hear supply is going to be tight.

    Nobody else go to Northgate, ok? Its way out of my way (I live almost in downtown) but northgate is the best thing off top I can come up with and I was 11th in line there last year without problems.

    eyeball tattooing. knight tattoos
  • knight tattoos

  • aygie
    Apr 17, 11:52 AM
    Yup. Multiple restarts.

    Could it be the USB connection on the Hard Drive? I've seen before some portable hard drive connections are very sensitive, try moving the USB cable around a bit and see if ejects it. But as the other guy said take it back and get a new one.

    eyeball tattooing. Print Eyeball Tattoos and Get
  • Print Eyeball Tattoos and Get

  • BlueRevolution
    Oct 30, 08:26 PM
    But... but... how would I use it to type Dvorak with only 9 keys on the home row?

    eyeball tattooing. Eyeball Tattoos Banned in
  • Eyeball Tattoos Banned in

  • tMac85
    Jun 23, 01:27 PM

    eyeball tattooing. Eye Ball Tattooing
  • Eye Ball Tattooing

  • DustinT
    Mar 26, 04:48 PM
    I'm not sure which Mac you have but if has a spot for a regular SD card than this product will work (http://www.newegg.com/Store/Brand.aspx?Brand=1471&name=PNY-Technologies-Inc). It is a micro-sd card with an adapter so you can use it in a regular SD port.

    If your Mac doesn't have a SD port on it than you should probably get a SD card reader that connects using USB. Newegg has a couple (http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007958%20600021094%20600031471%20600021621%204024&IsNodeId=1&name=%240%20-%20%2410&ShowDeactivatedMark=False&Order=RATING&Pagesize=20) that should work.

    eyeball tattooing. The eyeball tattooing procedures were done by Howie (LunaCobra.net), with photos by Lane Jensen (of Tattoo and Piercing
  • The eyeball tattooing procedures were done by Howie (LunaCobra.net), with photos by Lane Jensen (of Tattoo and Piercing

  • LimeiBook86
    Aug 13, 04:48 PM
    I love that!

    I should also mention that your current avatar is my favorite avatar EVER, that I have seen anywhere. :)

    Thanks a lot! :o

    eyeball tattooing. Best Unique Face Tattoo
  • Best Unique Face Tattoo

  • ftaok
    Apr 21, 08:56 AM
    Why should Ferrari put good tires on their cars?

    Just think about it; here's a company championing (used to, anyway) their music player and how great the experience was, but then at the same time made sure that the final product (the music that enters your head) sounds like total ass because of 10 cent headphones they include with their premium product.

    Same thing applies to Ferrari--why build an awesome car that's made for great performance, and then put 10 cent tires on it, resulting in a poor final product in terms of end-user experience?

    A premium music player is useless without good headphones, just as a premium car is useless without good tires.

    Putting crappy headphones in the box of a premium priced/marketed product is an oxymoron, and a bit of an insult to the consumer. And spare the "Oh but that would cost too much for the consumer", because that wouldn't exactly flow with everyone praising a $6B profit quarter.

    What would be the alternative? Put some Dr. Dre head phones in the box and have the iPod cost $80 more? To what end?

    Very few people care about the quality of the headphones that come with iPods. For those that do, they can buy nice set of headphones and not worry about the 10 cent ones that Apple puts in the box.

    If Apple put in a half decent set of headphones and increased the price by, say $20, the folks that want even better headphones would complain that they have to pay an extra $20 for headphones they'll never use.

    eyeball tattooing. Yellow eyeball tattoo
  • Yellow eyeball tattoo

  • Xapphire13
    Oct 16, 03:33 AM
    Listening to the album now =]... so far it's AWESOME... on track 4 =]

    eyeball tattooing. Eyeball Tattooing
  • Eyeball Tattooing

  • rockyroad55
    May 6, 12:15 PM
    A restore might do it, if not, bring it back to the store!

    eyeball tattooing. an eyeball tattoo – see my
  • an eyeball tattoo – see my

  • eddx
    Jan 16, 03:42 AM
    I have been waiting for a major upgrade to the cinema displays since I got my laptop in June 2006 - since waiting like the rest of you.

    I wonder if eventually the iMac will be thinner than the current cinema displays, then they will have to upgrade.

    To be honest, it doesn't need to be a major upgrade, take the price down by a third and half the thickness of the screen and I would be happy.

    One day my friends...one day :confused:

    eyeball tattooing. his eyeball tattooed.
  • his eyeball tattooed.

  • Lord Blackadder
    Apr 16, 05:19 PM
    Is it worth this price or not?

    Short answer: yes, it's a decent price for that machine assuming it has no cosmetic or functional issues.

    Thinking of buying it but not sure yet... (I use an intel MacBook too, but I have always wanted a PowerPC mac :p)

    If you just want a machine to fool around with for fun, this one ain't bad - but bear in mind that it is almost a technological orphan from Apple's perspective, as Apple is continuously moving away from supporting the PowerPC. It can't run the most current OS anymore, and software updates will dry up soon. It's still a good second machine though.

    eyeball tattooing. First Tattoo on EYEBALL!
  • First Tattoo on EYEBALL!

  • jav6454
    Apr 3, 05:00 PM
    Yet scientists think all quakes are unrelated. I bet the Pacific plate has been highly active these late years.

    eyeball tattooing. Eye Ball Tattoo
  • Eye Ball Tattoo

  • mcarnes
    Sep 12, 10:06 AM
    I was getting a cavity filled at the dentist. He had the TV on in the background. I don't know if it made the drilling more or less noticable...

    May 5, 06:14 PM
    It is impossible. You need to run Windows on the Mac to install them.
    Thanks but how do i do that without loosing that wonderful UI of mac? Even more so without inviting viruses, Trojans and the like.

    Dec 10, 12:42 AM
    Better be cheaper


    Nov 6, 11:36 PM
    Here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/michaelthegeek/5089944661/

    Oct 24, 09:52 PM
    I would imagine that the internet will present it's share of problems. Having the OS scale won't solve the problem of everything on the internet being 72 dpi. Yes, we can scale the text, but I'd imagine it will still be a huge mess once they start cranking up DPIs on the monitors.

    I don't understand the huge mess part of your comment. You can always display things at a size that is comfortable for you. It was when screen resolution was fixed that everything was a huge mess.

    With fixed resolution a designer never knew if his product was going to be displayed at 640X480, 800x600, 1280x1024, widescreen, etc. etc. Now a designer can design at a suitable resolution and the user can scale to a size that is pratical for them.

    It is a good thing people. Don't worry.

    Apr 22, 02:12 AM
    When the ip3 is announced the ip2 will be jb

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